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9 Ways to Practice Self Care in Mid Missouri This Winter During the Covid-19 Pandemic

In times of high stress it's incredibly important that we give ourselves a little extra TLC. This extra self care can help us to avoid burnout, fatigue and depression.  When that period of high stress also comes during the Winter when you may a little extra susceptible to depression, it's even more important.  And with the pandemic finally hitting Missouri full force? Right now, it may feel difficult to find ways to prioritize self care even more so this winter. In fact, many of the things you may have done to cope with stress earlier in the pandemic may be less of an option now that it's colder.

However, there are still lots of great options for engaging in self care this winter!  As I started to make a list for this blog post, I  realized just how many great opportunities we have in Mid Missouri. Truthfully, this is a very incomplete list.  But hopefully it's at least a start to get your creative juices flowing and help jog your memories about your favorite places in Mid Missouri to practice self care.

Local Self Care Options This Winter

Here are the first 9 ways I could think of to practice self care in Mid Missouri this Winter, many of which I've already been using myself:

Mid MO Self Care Option #1: Participate in personal training over Zoom through Legacy Life Fitness!

There's no doubt that exercise is great for mental health.  When you work out, the hormones released can lift your mood.  Furthermore, you can get that sense of accomplishment that can help build confidence.  So, finding a way to exercise can be a great way to deal with the stress of a Covid-19 dominated winter. At Legacy Life Fitness, Bryce quickly transitioned to offering online personal training and small group bootcamp classes as soon as the pandemic hit.  He's got this process down pat and I can't recommend his services highly enough!

Mid MO Self Care Option #2: Mindfully walk Boone Hospital's labyrinth

I love to walk a labyrinth mindfully as part of my self care from time to time. We're lucky to have a couple in town including the one on Boone Hospital's grounds.  If you need a quick moment of solitude and a little fresh air, I recommend walking the labyrinth. Afterward, ou can always grab a coffee or hot chocolate downtown at Lakota, Fretboard or one of the many other great coffee shops!

Mid MO Self Care Option #3: Pick up some healthy snacks curbside at Clover's Natural Market

Are you bored with the same old snacks? Check out the Employee Recommendations page on their website! They have some great suggestions for new things to try including fun snacks and some products that promote relaxation!  Best of all, you have the option to go browse the store (plenty of Covid appropriate precautions) or go with a curbside delivery!

Mid MO Self Care Option #4: Pick up something to paint from the Mud Room

Art can be a great source of self care! Luckily, the Mud Room has take home pottery or take hime tie dye face mask kits these days! So, pick something up and lose yourself for a bit as you dig into your creative side!

Mid MO Self Care Option #5: Checkout Books from the Library 

Checkout books from the Daniel Boone Regional Library. Our library is going above and beyond to make it easy to still curl up with a good book this weather!  If you're like me, there's nothing better than sitting under a warm blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and a page turning novel!  And truly, getting books has never been easier. You don't even have to take off those comfy pajama pants to pick up library books these days!

Mid MO Self Care Option #6: Go Sledding 

The next time it snows, take advantage of all that powdery white stuff and go sledding at Stephen's Lake Park. When the weather gets dreary it can be hard to find motivation to get outside. But snowy days just beg you to grab a sled and head for a decent hill! Stephen's Lake Park offers some of the best sledding in Columbia! Even adults will get a thrill from this outdoor activity to bring a little joy in the middle of a Mid Missouri winter!  Of course, this winter it's encouraged we all keep a little distance from one another. Therefore, it's recommended you only share a sled with members of your immediate family. But, I anticipate sledding will be one of the times where physical distancing and fun will both be possible on our snowiest days this winter!

Mid MO Self Care Option #7: Go for a Walk

Through much of the winter, it’s pretty cold in Missouri. But we do get the random really nice day. I’m currently writing this in the middle of January and we got up to 50 degrees today! So….why not take advantage of days like today? Bundle up & go for a walk. My favorite place to walk in this area is on the Katy Trail. There are a lot of great places to get on the trail. I've found it's fun to drive out to Rocheport, MO and get on across from Meriwether Cafe and Bike Shop as you can easily turn right and head for a run tunnel or left for beautiful views of the Missouri River!

Mid MO Self Care Option #8: Get Some “Smell Good Stuff” from Make Scents"

In my house we call anything that smells yummy (lotion, perfume, etc) “smell good stuff.” But whatever you call it, there’s just something uplifting about fun smells! One option in Mid Mo is to sign up for a Scent Box from Makes Scents. You'll be surprised with all kinds of good smelling candles, bath soaks and other goodies to spoil yourself and soothe your soul! Of course, you can also have fun stopping by and choosing something for yourself.  These have so many great options and fun things to smell!  Additionally, they're being very "Covid-conscious" right now limiting visitors to related groups of 4 or less in the store at a time, asking you step aside to smell products, etc. So, they've found a way you can buy fun things to pamper yourself and feel safe doing so!

 Mid-Mo Self Care Option #9: Get Take Out

Get takeout from a local restaurant for a date night at home! My husband and I have been doing this every Friday since the coronavirus pandemic started. Honestly, most weeks we just get a dessert from Flyover to share (the carnitas might just be my favorite dish on earth…) or some meat & cheese from Barred Owl to eat together while watching Netflix after the kids go to bed.  It helps our budget to only get a desert or an appetizer. Yet, we're still getting in quality time together, sharing the experience of trying new flavors and supporting local businesses.


Looking for More Support?

Even our best self care routines just don't cut it sometimes.  At Aspire Counseling, we know you want to feel better and enjoy life more. In order to do that, you need to find healing from the stress, depression, anxiety, trauma or overwhelming loss that’s been holding your back.  Maybe you've already tried increasing the self care. You've been trying this on your own and you're exhausted.

We believe you deserve counseling that works. Our therapists offer counseling services for clients like you that combine your needs with a caring therapist and effective interventions. 

When you contact Aspire Counseling, you can expect to move through the following steps:

  1. Get matched with the right therapist

  2. Begin counseling

  3. Find your path forward

So, call us today, so you can stop carrying the weight of your past and instead start moving forward.