Aspire Counseling

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Why be Thankful?

Remember a couple of years ago when it was all the rage to post something you were thankful for on your social media feed each day in November? Why did people do this? Is there any value to it?

The Value of Gratitude & Thankfulness

It turns out that it is actually really good for your mental health to think of something you are thankful for not only in November but every day of the year. I often talk to my clients about the benefits of being thankful. If you do a google search for “benefits of gratitude” you may be surprised by the large number of results that come up.

The bottom line is this…if you practice thinking of things you are thankful for you’ll gradually find more and more positive things in your own life. It will get easier to think of things. At first, you may only think of one thing per day. Soon you’ll think of three things per day. Eventually, you’ll be able to rattle off a whole list of things you are thankful for even on the very worst day of the year.

Here's Your Challenge

I’ll issue you, my readers, the same challenge I give so many of my clients: Go find a blank journal. Every day for at least two months makes a list of things you are thankful for. Now you’re thinking that you’ll write the same list every day, “I’m thankful for my family, friends, and health.” Nope, I challenge you to think beyond that. Ok, so you’re thankful for your best friend. What is something she did/said today or even a particularly pleasing character trait? Write down something that specific. Tomorrow if you are thinking again that you are thankful for the same person, challenge yourself to think of another thing you appreciate about her.

Help Finding Positivity Through Counseling

If you want to talk further about ways to improve your outlook on life and increase the positivity in your world, counseling may be able to help. If you live in the state of Missouri, please reach out either through our website or by calling Aspire Counseling at 573-328-2288 today! You deserve support.

Other Counseling Services in Mid Missouri

The therapists at our Columbia, MO-based counseling clinic can offer help for a wide range of mental health concerns. We offer trauma therapy (including traumatic bereavement), anxiety treatment, counseling for depression, caregiver support, and LGBTQ affirming counseling services. We believe you deserve to feel better. Begin the next chapter of your life by reaching out today. Our therapists can meet with you at our Columbia, MO counseling clinic, outside at a park for Walk & Talk therapy if you live in Mid Missouri or anywhere in the state through our secure online platform.

Reach out and begin counseling today.