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How Can You Tell if a Child Has PTSD? Navigating Trauma Therapy for Children in Lee’s Summit

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash downloaded 3/11/24.

Knowing and understanding the signs of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in kids is an important part of helping and supporting them. It can be scary and confusing to watch your child struggle, and not know the signs or what to do. That is why it is important to recognize the signs of PTSD in kids, what usually causes PTSD, along with at what ages PTSD can be diagnosed. It is also important to know how to treat PTSD, and what the best therapy that can offer unique, and individualized therapy options for your child. 

What Are Signs of PTSD in Kids?

Spotting signs of PTSD in children means paying close attention to how they act, feel, and even their physical reactions. Kids might show they’re upset in ways that are different from grown-ups, so it is important to notice even the small signs. Signs of PTSD in kids may include them playing out the tough, or distressing event again, having bad dreams, or feeling like it is happening all over again. They may also avoid things that remind them of the traumatic event, and may have changes in how the feel and think. They may show this be being extra alert, easily upset, or have trouble sleeping. 

What Is the Most Common Cause of PTSD in Children?

The roots of PTSD in children often comes from tough or traumatic experiences they have been through. While any scary event can possibly lead to PTSD, the most common cause is being around violence between people. This might be from physical or sexual violence, or seeing fighting at home, being bullied, and more. Other things, such as accidents, natural disasters, or suddenly loosing a close loved one can also be reasons for PTSD in children. 

At What Age Can PTSD Be Diagnosed?

Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash downloaded 3/11/24.

PTSD can impact kids of all ages, from little ones like preschoolers, to teenagers. Figuring out if a child has PTSD means looking at how well they can talk about their feelings and what they’ve been through. While it might be very hard with really young children who might not be able to express as much, progress in counseling, and specifically trauma counseling, gives us ways to find out if they’re showing signs of PTSD, even if they cannot talk, or find it tough to say how they feel. 

How Do You Treat PTSD in Children?

Trauma therapy for children, especially located near the Lee’s Summit Missouri area, uses special methods that consider the unique needs for what kids and teenagers need at different ages. One very helpful trauma treatment is called Trauma-Focused-Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT). This method or way of helping is based on evidence, and mixes ways of thinking and acting with ways to be sensitive to the traumatic experiences that a child has been through. 

Counseling in Lee’s Summit Missouri creates a safe place for kids getting trauma therapy like TF-CBT. Therapists, and specifically trauma therapists are experts in helping kids through traumatic experiences by using ways that fit a child's age, and then using therapy techniques like play therapy, art, talking, and much more. 

What Is the Best Therapy for Adolescent Trauma?

Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash downloaded 3/11/24

Helping teenagers and children who have been through a traumatic or tough time involves different ways and options for therapy. One amazing evidence-based method is called Trauma- Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This therapy can help both children and teens understand and regulate their feelings, thoughts, and actions, especially when they’re struggling, or experiencing a traumatic event. This therapy helps to create a safe space for adolescents and children to talk about and work through their previous trauma, helping them to become resilient, and begin to heal. 

Knowing the signs of PTSD in kids is the first, and the most important step in supporting your child. Specialized therapy, like TF-CBT, or trauma therapy, for kids who have been through hard times, especially in Lee’s Summit Missouri, gives your child ways to help deal with PTSD that are unique and tailored to your child. By understanding the signs, what causes PTSD, when your child can be diagnosed with PTSD, and using effective therapy, parents and caregivers can activity help kids on their journey to healing and becoming resilient. 

Children’s Trauma therapy in Lee’s Summit Missouri

At Aspire Counseling, we understand how difficult it is to see your child going through a tough time and struggling. That is why our therapists are trained in many ways to help your child. These treatments are evidence-based practices like TF-CBT, EMDR, and much more. Along with helping your child, we also offer counseling for parents struggling with tough feelings like anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, stress, and much more.

You can get counseling in person at our Lee’s Summit Missouri location, or our Columbia Missouri location, or online from anywhere in Missouri. If you would like to start counseling for yourself, or for your child, reach out through our online form, or give us a call at 573-328- 2288 ext. 1. One of our Client Care Team members will take the time to understand you and your child’s unique needs, and get you matched up with a therapist based on those needs. Start your child’s journey with Aspire Counseling today.