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How To Heal After A Loss

Healing After Loss

Experiencing the death of a loved one is the hardest thing we can go through in this life. Even just the loss in other forms such as the loss of a friendship after a fight or the loss of identity when one retires can be deeply painful. What can make grieving even more challenging is the feeling that we’re somehow doing it wrong.

But grieving is a unique experience and there is truly no “right” way to do it. Author Anne Morrow Lindberg put it best when she said, “… suffering … no matter how multiplied, is always individual.”

While there is no one right way to grieve the loss of a loved one, there are some guidelines that will help you heal.

You Will Survive the Grief and Loss

The pain of a loved one’s death is so great that we often feel it may cause our own death. But it’s important to remember that emotions, no matter how big, cannot harm you.

In fact, not feeling emotions and bottling them up can often make the situation, and sometimes our health, much worse. Avoiding the pain of loss tends to stunt our grieving and we end up taking our pain with us into our future.

Understand the Ebb and Flow of Grief and Loss

Grieving is a process with no stillness. There is always movement; an ebb and flow to our grief. After a few weeks, you may have a day when you feel like you can finally catch your breath; where you notice how pretty a sunny day is, and when you dog can make you laugh again. And then the very next day, you feel that old, familiar darkness and despair slide under your skin.

This is natural, and it’s important for you to pay attention to these rhythms of grief. The more you become aware of the ebb and flow of your personal journey, the more you’ll believe that someday there will be more good days than bad.

Practice Self Care

It’s important during this time that you care for yourself as you would a dear friend. Make sure that you get enough rest and try and eat well, even when eating seems like the last thing you want to do. Keeping up your strength is important during this time.

Try and get fresh air and move your body. This will help alleviate the stress and tension you have been feeling. And above all, be kind to yourself mentally and emotionally. Don’t chide yourself for crying in the bathroom on your lunch break. You would never do that to a dear friend, would you? Just let yourself feel your feelings when they come and be gentle with yourself.

Get Support and Start Grief Counseling Columbia, MO

The people who love you will want to help you during the weeks and months that follow the loss. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help and support. If you need someone to watch the baby so you can go out for a much-needed run, ask. If your spouse was always the one to handle repairs around the house, ask a family member to come over and help.

It’s also a good idea to seek the guidance of a therapist who can help you work through your emotions and develop coping skills. We have a page with grief resources, but bereavement counseling can provide additional support.

If you or a loved one is reeling from a personal loss and are interested in exploring how counseling can help, please contact us today. While we’ll take the time to match you with the right therapist and all of our therapists have the knowledge to help you heal and move forward after loss. Some of our therapists have more training and experience in this area and we’d love to get you matched with one of them. 

If you’re looking to help with grief and loss in Columbia, MO, then let’s get started to with grief counseling Columbia, MO or start therapy for depression.

Begin Counseling Today with Aspire Counseling in Columbia, MO

If you are grieving from losing a loved one and you’re beginning to experience signs of depression please reach out to us today through the contact form on this page or by calling 573-328-2288. We have therapists trained in treatments such as Mindfulness who will be glad to help you find some ways to find peace. We will help you to look straight at them and figure out how to begin taking the power, access calmness, and move forward! If you think you would benefit from working with a therapist who focuses on mindfulness and you live in the Columbia, MO area, we’d love to help.  Typically, Aspire Counseling therapists are ready to meet you where you are in your healing.  To get started follow these simple steps:

1. Call 573-328-2288 or fill out our contact form.

2. Meet with one of our therapists for a free consultation.

3. Start finding closure and feel better from your depression.

Other Mental Health Services at Aspire Counseling 

Mindfulness for Mental Health Counseling is not the only services we offer at our Columbia, MO clinic. Other mental health services that Aspire Counseling provides include anxiety treatment, depression counseling, counseling for college students, counseling for caregivers, grief counseling, teen counseling, counseling for adults, LGBTQIA+ affirming counseling, DBT, trauma therapy for children and teens, counseling for sexual assault survivors, and online therapy. Contact us today!