Mindfulness for Mental Health
How much of your day is spent on “autopilot” moving from task to task always thinking of what happened earlier or making plans for the future? If you’re like most Americans, your answer is probably the majority of the day. There is another way to approach life.
Mindfulness means focusing on the present moment in a nonjudgmental way. By becoming more mindful, you can improve your mental health. Beginning a regular meditation practice can help you feel in control of even your most difficult emotions (anger, fear, sadness) or at least improve your ability to face and cope with these feelings. Our therapists are trained and experienced in Mindfulness and Meditation techniques. Through counseling, you can learn to incorporate mindfulness into your life and develop a meditation practice that works for you.
Mindfulness in Counseling
At Aspire Counseling, we believe becoming more aware of both the world around you and your internal world is the first step toward better mental health. Thus, our therapists are trained in evidence-based counseling methods that incorporate mindfulness. You may practice breathing exercises, use grounding stones, learn progressive muscle relaxation or just go over the DBT mind states during a therapy session at Aspire Counseling. As you become more aware, we’ll be able to use other counseling techniques such as teaching you skills to interact with your world differently, clarifying how you can act more consistently with your personal values, or trauma therapy techniques. But the first step is often looking at your world with a nonjudgmental, realistic stance. In other words: Mindfulness. If you are interested in improving your mental health, consider scheduling a free consultation with one of our therapists. If you have an established mindfulness practice already, we encourage you to share that during your first appointment. You can talk to your counselor about how mindfulness has helped already or what struggles you’ve faced and that can help determine the best course of treatment.
If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.
Lao Tzu
Begin Mindfulness Informed Counseling in Missouri
We know it’s hard to ask for help. Often, just making it to your first appointment to meet your therapist is a HUGE step. We try to make the process of beginning trauma therapy as easy as possible!
Reach out to Aspire Counseling
First, you’ll speak to a member of our Client Care team. Make sure to mention you are interested in mindfulness practices and we’ll make sure to match you with a therapist who incorporates mindfulness into counseling sessions!
Meet with a Therapist
Because we know how important it is to find someone you feel comfortable with, all of our therapists offer a free 30-minute consultation session. You’ll be able to ask questions about the counseling process & make sure it’s a great fit!
Begin Healing
You and your therapist will come up with a plan forward based on your needs. You’ll build your mindfulness practice, get in better touch with yourself and find emotional healing. Through counseling, you’ll be able to be the best version of yourself!

You can find healing.
Other Mental Health Services
We know life is complicated and you may be struggling with more than one issue. Or perhaps more than one member of your family needs some support right now. Because each therapists at Aspire Counseling specializes in something slightly different, we’re able to offer a wide range of mental health services at our office in Columbia or online anywhere in Missouri. Some of our specialties include depression counseling, trauma therapy/PTSD treatment, counseling for caregiver stress, anxiety treatment, teen counseling, support during chronic illness and more! We’re here to help.