Disordered Eating: Setting Realistic Goals for 2023

The end of the year is approaching, which means it's time to start thinking about your resolutions for 2023. If you're like many high-achieving women, you may be considering setting a goal to finally get your disordered eating under control. But before you make any drastic changes, it's important to sit down and consider what is realistic for you. In this blog post, we'll discuss some tips for setting achievable goals when it comes to disordered eating. By the end, you'll have a better idea of what you can realistically accomplish in the coming year.

If you're like many high-achieving women, you may have struggled with disordered eating at some point in your life. Perhaps you've been unhappy with your body image or felt that you needed to lose weight in order to be successful.

Whatever your reasons for wanting to change your eating habits, it's important to set realistic goals. This year, resolve to make small changes that will lead to lasting results. With our help, you can learn to love your body and develop healthier eating habits that will last a lifetime.

Defining what "realistic" means for you and your goals

It’s important to remember that there isn’t a fixed definition of ‘realistic’ when it comes to setting goals. Everyone has different resources, abilities, and circumstances that make achieving certain things more difficult or easier for them. Being realistic for you may mean taking a moment to consider the amount of time or money you have available, and how likely it is you can commit this to realize your goal. It also means facing any challenges and finding smart solutions that play into your own strengths so that you are really getting the most out of whatever resources you have available. Understand what is realistic for you and don’t be afraid to cut corners without compromising the quality of your results, so that you will feel empowered in working towards what matters most to you.

It's important to trust the process even if it takes time

When working towards a goal, it's important to trust the process away from quick fixes. If a quick fix fails, it could set you back further than if you'd gone with a more reliable route. Trusting the process also means having faith that eventually things will fall into place. It may not be quick or easy and could require time and effort - but with determination, the results can be rewarding. Taking the time to do things right may be slower initially, but in the end, it'll pay off. Believing in yourself and trusting the process is key!

What does that mean for disordered eating?

Some days will be easier than others. You may find that your urge to begin stress eating or emotional eating is more under control than on other days. You may find that you go on a binge from a stressful day and think all is lost. Or you may give into the desire to restrict what you are eating. The truth is that undoing an undesirable behavior takes time. Let's face it, it did take time to develop. Whether that was from stress, trauma, relationships, grief, or other contributors. Extend the grace and compassion to yourself that you give to others.

What does this mean for body image issues?

When we are trying to change our body composition whether to gain, lose, maintain, or just finally love ourselves it doesn't happen overnight. You won't bulk up in a week, and you won't lose weight in 3 days. That's not meant to discourage you, but it's the truth. That's just not how the body works. Whether you're trying to change or accept yourself as you are, you will need to trust the process and be patient in order to not lose your sanity.

How to set goals that are achievable and maintainable

Setting realistic goals for yourself that are achievable and maintainable is an important step to success. Start by breaking down your goals into smaller, realistic milestones. Make sure your milestones are feasible in the timeframe that you have set for them and be realistic about how long it will take to accomplish them. It is also helpful to break up tasks into manageable chunks of time so that you stay on track and don't become overwhelmed or give up. As with anything worth achieving, commitment and dedication are key - even when times get tough, keep pushing yourself to reach realistic goals that you can maintain over the long term.

Tiny Habits, Big Leaps:

One of my favorite principles, podcasts, and books, is about making tiny changes that add up over time. We all know about SMART goals and how to set them up and I do support using this method. But sometimes thinking about how to integrate small habits into current routines can be helpful too. It can add up over time, and it doesn't feel like you are doing a 180 on your life and routines. If you need to be more kind to yourself about how you handle food, doing self-affirmations in the mirror while washing your face or brushing your teeth, doesn't seem like such as inconvenience. Why choose this method? If you are like any high-performing, high-achieving individual, the biggest excuse you have is " I just don't have time", or " I forgot, I was just so busy". Here you are not massively going out of your way to make a change, but doing realistic attainable goals in line with your current behaviors.

Tips for staying on track with disordered eating throughout the year

Eating disorders can be a difficult health battle to manage, but the start of a new year is the perfect time to reassess your approach to food and body image. Having an action plan in place is crucial for staying on track with disordered eating throughout the year. Set clear goals and intentions that are realistic and achievable while taking your own personal situation into consideration. Breaking down larger goals into smaller steps or swapping out unhealthy habits for better ones can help keep you motivated and accountable. Additionally, talking to a professional trained in disordered eating can provide additional support and valuable advice on how best to move forward. Finally, if things get too overwhelming, it’s always okay to take the steps necessary to pause and recenter yourself while working toward a healthier relationship with yourself.

The importance of seeking professional help if needed

It is important to seek professional help if you find that an eating disorder has taken control of your life. Eating disorder therapy with a therapist can drastically improve the quality of your life and your relationship with food and eating. Trained eating disorder therapists specialize in designing individualized treatment plans that help restore a healthy eating lifestyle consumed in a safe and structured manner. The goal of eating disorder therapists is to create an environment that promotes understanding, acceptance, and healing. It could be one of the most important decisions you make for yourself, so don’t hesitate to ask for help today.

Begin Therapy for Disordered Eating in Columbia, MO, or Anywhere Via Online Therapy in Missouri!

If you want to make a change in your life, whether it is large or small, it is important to remember that progress takes time. While it can be tempting to give up when we don't see results immediately, trust that the process will work if you stick with it. Set goals for yourself that are achievable and realistic, based on where you're starting from and what you want to accomplish. And finally, reach out for professional help if you need support staying on track throughout the year - change is hard but definitely possible with the right tools!

  1. Contact Aspire Counseling for a Free 30-minute consultation

  2. Learn about your eating disorder therapists in Missouri

  3. Begin setting goals that feel good for your needs!


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