How to Schedule Therapy During the Holidays

The holidays can be a challenging time for many, with stressors like family dynamics, financial concerns, and the pressure to manage various obligations. For clients, especially college students juggling finals, maintaining therapy appointments during this period is crucial. For others, another appointment may add more stress. However, deciding whether to keep appointments should be a thoughtful process.

Bigstock photo of woman on phone smiling representing someone in Missouri scheduling a counseling session with a Missouri Therapist.

Your stage in your therapy process

Consider your stage in the therapy process. Evidence-based practices like CPT, TF-CBT, ERP, EMDR, and DBT often benefit from consistent weekly sessions to sustain progress. Disruptions to healing can occur if trauma is brought up but not followed up in subsequent weeks. On the flip side, some individuals may have reached a point where a brief break makes sense after intensive therapeutic work. Decisions should align with individual progress and mutual understanding between the client and therapist.

Pros and cons of keeping an appointment in your schedule

While the holiday season may feel overwhelming, dedicating an hour each week to self-care might be exactly what's needed. Reflect on the holiday connotations for you – whether it brings support or stress – and discuss with your therapist how it could impact your time together. We will likely be checking in with these feelings anyways. Let’s talk through how you would like it to influence our time together!

Your therapist’s schedule around the holidays

Therapists, like clients, have varied feelings and concerns during this time. Some may maintain a regular schedule, while others take extra days off. Open communication with your therapist is essential to align your needs with their availability during the holiday season.

Your financial investments in yourself and others

As a private pay practice, we are never ignorant to how paying for therapy out of pocket can feel hard in seasons of added financial stress. Let’s talk about how continuing to invest in yourself can work in a season of giving back to others as well. Please think through the considerations above before putting your mental health on the back burner this holiday season!

Photo of St. Louis, MO featuring the arch highlighting the importance of communicating to your therapist if you're leaving the state of Missouri when you schedule a therapy appointment this holiday season.

Traveling outside the state of Missouri

Lastly, and legally, make sure you are communicating with your therapist if you are traveling outside the state of Missouri. Our clinical licenses only allow us to see individuals that are physically located in the state of Missouri. Some therapists may have a license in your state of travel as well but this is rare. You are always welcome to reach out via email while you are out of state but we caution that there are confidentiality risks that come with electronic communication. It may also take extra time to receive a response from your therapist depending on their own schedule during the holidays. If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts, please call the hotline at 988 or visit the nearest emergency room. 

We highly encourage you to start talking to your therapist about these considerations now if you haven’t already! We understand the numerous reasons your schedule may be different during this season and we would love to talk through the options with you!

Counseling in Missouri

At Aspire Counseling, our counselors understand how difficult the holidays can be. The holidays can be hectic, and really throw off your typical routine. There’s traveling, preparing, if you’re a college student you might have finals you have to study for, there can be just so much going on, that it can be overwhelming, and difficult to maintain to a schedule.

The holidays can be tough, but you don’t have to struggle alone. Our therapists work with children, teens, and adults experiencing trauma, OCD, anxiety, depression, grief, and much more.

We offer in person services at both our Columbia Missouri location, and Lee’s Summit, or online to anyone in the state of Missouri. Interested in services or wanting to find out more? Reach out today at 573-328-2288 ext. 1, or to ask questions or schedule your free 30 minute consultation with one of our amazing therapists! Your path to healing and self-discovery begins here at Aspire Counseling- don’t wait; start your journey today!

Photo of Mikayla Wichern, an LCSW and therapist at Aspire Counseling in Missouri. She specializes in treating OCD, trauma/PTSD and anxiety.

About the Author

Mikayla Wichern is an LCSW at Aspire Counseling. She works with those experiencing trauma, anxiety, OCD, depression and much more. Mikayla believes in the power of therapy, and works with her clients to create a trusting, kind, and judgement free environment. When Mikayla isn’t at Aspire Counseling, she enjoys hanging out with her dog Mya!


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