How Cognitive Processing Therapy Works for PTSD

Welcome to Aspire Counseling, a place where healing begins and lives are transformed. In this blog post, we will explore the fascinating world of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and how it offers hope and relief for those struggling with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Join us on a journey to understand the inner workings of CPT and discover how Aspire Counseling in Lee's Summit, MO, is making a difference in the lives of individuals seeking healing from PTSD.

Understanding Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT):

Cognitive Processing Therapy, developed by Patricia Resick, Ph.D., and her colleagues, is a powerful cognitive-behavioral treatment designed to assist individuals who feel "stuck" in the aftermath of a traumatic event. Whether someone has experienced combat, sexual assault, child abuse, or other traumas, CPT aims to alleviate the anxiety, anger, and intrusive thoughts that often accompany PTSD.

A bumble bee flies around a purple flower at sunset. Work with a trauma therapist and participate in CPT in Lee's Summit, MO to overcome your trauma and begin living your best life.

How Does CPT Work?

CPT operates on the premise that PTSD symptoms arise from a conflict between pre-existing beliefs and the trauma experienced. The therapy works to identify and challenge maladaptive thoughts, allowing individuals to reframe their understanding of the traumatic event and its impact on their lives.

Located in Lee's Summit, MO, Aspire Counseling is a leading provider of Cognitive Processing Therapy for individuals seeking relief from PTSD. The dedicated team at Aspire Counseling understands the unique challenges faced by those with PTSD and is committed to guiding them toward healing and recovery.

The Journey to Healing:

When you step into Aspire Counseling, you embark on a transformative journey toward healing. The therapy process involves several key steps that are essential to understanding how CPT works:

Assessment and Establishing Trust:

The highly skilled therapists at Aspire Counseling prioritize building a trusting relationship with each client. Through open and honest dialogue, they create a safe space for individuals to share their experiences and emotions.


Clients are provided with comprehensive information about CPT, its principles, and the treatment process. Understanding the therapy's framework empowers individuals to actively participate in their healing journey.

Identifying Thoughts and Beliefs:

Together with their therapist, clients explore the thoughts and beliefs they hold about themselves, others, and the world. This examination reveals any negative or distorted thinking patterns that contribute to PTSD symptoms.

Challenging and Restructuring Thoughts:

Aspire Counseling employs evidence-based techniques to help clients challenge and reframe maladaptive thoughts. By replacing negative cognitions with more realistic and helpful beliefs, individuals begin to break free from the cycle of distress and find a path to healing.

Gradual Exposure:

CPT at Aspire Counseling may also incorporate gradual exposure to trauma-related memories and reminders. Under the guidance of experienced therapists, individuals learn to confront their fears in a safe and supportive environment, enabling them to regain control over their lives.


Aspire Counseling emphasizes the acquisition of practical coping skills. Clients learn techniques both in session and through homework to manage distressing symptoms, regulate emotions, and improve overall well-being. These skills become valuable tools for navigating the challenges of daily life.

In the face of trauma, Cognitive Processing Therapy stands as a beacon of hope, offering a transformative path to healing for individuals battling PTSD. Aspire Counseling, located in Lee's Summit, MO, is at the forefront of providing this evidence-based therapy, guided by a team of compassionate professionals dedicated to helping individuals reclaim their lives.

Begin Intensive Trauma Therapy at Aspire Counseling in Lee’s Summit, MO

The road to recovery from PTSD can be long and challenging, but we believe that our one-week trauma-intensive program provides significant relief to those struggling with PTSD. With evidence-based therapy, concentrated sessions, and a follow-up session a month post-treatment to ensure any issues are addressed, our approach to PTSD care delivers significant results. If you have tried traditional therapy and still find yourself struggling with PTSD symptoms, we welcome you to explore our one-week trauma-intensive program at Aspire Counseling in Lee’s Summit, MO.

1) Reach out to our team online or by calling 573-328-2288

2) Have a quick chat via phone or Zoom with one of our therapists about the program

3) Schedule your Trauma Intensive!

Other Mental Health Supports at Aspire Counseling

Aspire Counseling offers a variety of other mental health supports for people in Missouri. We offer in-person counseling both in Lee’s Summit and Columbia, MO. While we specialize in counseling for anxiety and PTSD treatment, we can help with a wide range of other concerns as well. We generally see children aged 10 through retirement age. And we have therapists with various specialties including disordered eating, depression, grief, gender-affirming care, and OCD treatment.

In addition to our Trauma Therapy Intensive, Aspire Counseling offers many other therapy services related directly to overcoming trauma. These services include the following:


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