Aspire Counseling

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Coping with Grief Through Meditation

Dealing with grief is one of the most devastating things in life that we must unfortunately experience. The finality of losing someone we love can cause us to feel angry, anxious or depressed.

When dealing with grief, it may feel like you can’t move forward, or you don’t know how you can continue living in a world without your loved one in it.

How You Begin to Cope with Grief and Loss?

To help deal with these intense and overwhelming emotions, turning to meditation can help. Meditation is a practice of calm and silence, where the frenetic thoughts and worries in your mind are quieted for a moment of reflection or mindfulness. Through meditation, you can begin to calm your emotions, assess your feelings, and come to a place of acceptance and peace.

A Meditation to Cope with Grief:

  • Choose a quiet, comfortable space to sit where you can be alone for 15 to 20 minutes. Play some soft ambient music if you like.

  • Close your eyes and begin by taking slow, mindful and natural deep breaths: in through the nose, then slowly exhale.

  • Try to push away any thoughts or worries and concentrate only on being in this moment.

  • Think of the face of the person you’re missing, and imagine them before you, now. You can imagine that their spirit is there with you, or you can simply envision their face.

  • Express anything you’d like to them. Focus on making the conversation loving and compassionate. If you’d like, you can reimagine a memory. Put yourself back in time with your loved one and imagine experiencing everything in that moment.

  • Thank your loved one for coming to visit you. Imagine a peaceful and gentle goodbye.

  • Slowly bring your awareness back to the room. Feel the energy of yourself from the top of your head to your toes as you take slow and natural deep breaths.

Try this meditation any time you feel the need to do so.

Other resources

There are apps you can download for your smartphone or tablet to help guide you through different meditations; just search for “meditation” in the App Store. You can also search YouTube for “meditations for grief” and try the guided meditations available there for free.

There is no one way to grieve; everyone grieves differently. There’s also no time table or deadline. The journey of grief is a very personal one, and the only way to get through it is to deal with the emotions you’re experiencing as they come.

As a Columbia, Missouri counseling center, we want to provide you as many resources for grief as possible. You can find more resources related to grief or meditation throughout our site.

If you’re having trouble moving forward after losing someone you love and would like some help, please contact us today so we can set up an appointment with a caring therapist depending on your unique situation.

Counseling for Grief and Loss in Columbia, MO

If you are grieving from losing a loved one and you’re beginning to experience signs of depression please reach out to us to begin grief & loss counseling in Columbia MO. If you think you would benefit from working with a grief therapist who focuses on loss and you live in the Columbia, MO area or Missouri for Online therapy. Typically, Aspire Counseling therapists are ready to meet you where you are in your healing.  To get started follow these simple steps:

1. Call 573-328-2288 or fill out our contact form.

2. Meet with one of our understanding therapists for a free consultation.

3. Start finding closure and feel better from your grief and loss.

Other Mental Health Services at Aspire Counseling 

Mindfulness and meditation for Mental Health Counseling is not the only service we offer at our Columbia, MO clinic. Other mental health services that Aspire Counseling provides include anxiety treatment, depression counseling, counseling for college students, counseling for caregivers, grief counseling, teen counseling, counseling for adults, LGBTQIA+ affirming counseling, DBT, trauma therapy for children and teens, counseling for sexual assault survivors, and online therapy.  Contact us today!