Does Depression Get Better?

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A client recently asked me, “Do you feel this happy?” I was surprised by the question and asked her to explain. She had felt miserable and depressed for years and after some intensive treatment recently was starting to feel better.  She was once again experiencing hope, joy and excitement. Perhaps the question she was really asking was, “Is this happiness real? Should I be waiting for the other shoe to drop?”

Is Relief from Depression Symptoms Columbia MO

Yes, people do overcome depression. Some people feel better on their own. Sometimes a lifestyle change makes all the difference.  Other people find medication helpful. Many people who suffer from depression find counseling particularly helpful. Many of my clients combine counseling with medication, exercise, healthy eating, essential oils or other supplemental interventions. Regardless of the path that helps you the most, it’s important to know that healing is possible. I’ve had the honor of working with clients who were chronically depressed, suicide survivors, had self harmed, had an eating disorder, survived assault/rape, or lost significant others who they loved so much they thought they would never recover.  I’ve witnessed the pain these clients experienced.  I’ve also witnessed counseling work.  This client was not unusual.

Feeling Better from Depression is Possible


It may be hard for you to see a light at the end of the tunnel right now.  You may feel hopeless and worried that you’ll drown in your depression or never find your way to the other side of it. When clients first come into my office, I promise them that I will hold hope for them until they find it themselves. Why? Because I know it can get better. I’ve seen people “get better.”  I only take on clients that I believe in and know can find healing through counseling. Even movies often make depression look like this miserable never ending ailment, but in real life I watch clients find meaning, excitement and purpose again.  In real life, I watch clients search for and find happiness.

Counseling in Columbia MO can Help you Develop Coping Mechanisms

When you recover from depression, you will still have bad days.  But you’ll understand that’s just a bad day.  You’ll occasionally have judgmental, negative thoughts. But you’ll recognize that they’re negative thoughts and let go of them so you can return to living.  Bad things will still happen.  But you’ll know how to cope.  The bottom line is you’ll rediscover hope and have confidence that you can handle difficult situations.

Counseling for Depression in Columbia, MO

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If you or a loved one is ready to find healing, counseling can help.  Learn more about our counseling services for depression and then contact us or give us a call (573-328-2288). Depression does get better and our therapists have the training, experience and belief in you to help. Healing starts here.  Typically, Aspire Counseling therapists are ready to meet you where you are in your healing.  To get started follow these simple steps:

1. Call 573-328-2288 or fill out our contact form.

2. Meet with one of our kind therapists for a free consultation.

3. Start finding closure and feel better from your depression

Other Mental Health Services at Aspire Counseling

Mindfulness for Mental Health Counseling is not the only service we offer at our Columbia, MO clinic. Other mental health services that Aspire Counseling provides include anxiety treatment, counseling for depression, counseling for college students, counseling for caregivers, grief counseling, teen counseling, counseling for adults, LGBTQIA+ affirming counseling, DBT, trauma therapy for children and teens, counseling for sexual assault survivors, and online therapy.  Contact us today!


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